The variation of warm pool ocean temperature in the equatorial western Paci
fic and its impacts on climatic change are studied in the present paper. Th
e SSTs in the warm pool region not only have seasonal variation but also ha
ve interannual variation more clearly; The influence of anomalies of SST in
the warm pool region on the East Asian monsoon is studied with data analys
is; And the impact of SSTA in the warm pool region oh the teleconnection (w
ave-train) in the atmospheric circulation is still investigated. The influe
nce of ocean temperature anomalies in the warm pool subsurface on the occur
rence of ENSO is also discussed by using data analysis and modelling with C
GCM. All above-mentioned studies show that the situation of ocean temperatu
re: in the warm pool region in the equatorial western Pacific plays an impo
rtant role in the global climatic variation.