In order to investigate the process of contrail formation, an integral mode
l and a two-dimensional direct numerical simulation have been used to analy
se the mixing and entrainment processes of the engine exhaust through their
interaction with the vortex wake of various aircraft. The objective of thi
s study is to evaluate the partial vapour pressure of water and temperature
in the near field of subsonic and supersonic aircraft. Results are present
ed involving the saturation calculation by post-processing solution fields
which provide a qualitative indicator of the condensation process.
After testing the numerical algorithm with some success, this study was per
formed for three transport subsonic aircraft: A-330, B-737 and DC-9; for th
e twin-engine ATTAS of DLR and for the Angle-French supersonic Concorde.
For subsonic aircraft, in the early wake, the distance where saturation is
reached depends only upon the engine jet characteristics. The engine jet lo
cation with respect to the vortex axis has an important influence on the mi
xing rate and on the saturation evolution. For the supersonic aircraft, a l
ow saturation ratio has been shown along the plume centreline. The wing-tip
vortices contribute largely to increase the mixing and dispersion of the e
xhaust plume. Consequently, the water saturation profiles are clearly chang
ed by the vortical structure. Effects of the aerodynamic parameters are ana
lysed and discussed. (C) Elsevier, Paris.