Incidence and mortality of AIDS patients have significantly declined in the
developed countries due to the very active anti-HIV combination therapy av
ailable today. Because of the prolongation of the survival expectancy of th
ese patients, other non-AIDS defining tumours have been recently reported i
n several cohort studies with increased frequency.
We want to report the clinico-pathological features and the outcome of 39 p
atients with lung cancer and HIV infection, collected by the Italian Cooper
ative Group on AIDS and Tumors (GICAT) between 1986 and December 1997. As a
control group, we decided to evaluate patients, less than 60 years of age,
with lung cancer but without HIV infection seen at the CRO, Aviano, during
1995 and 1996.
The median age of the study group patients was 38 years (range 28-58) and 9
0% of them were males. Sixty-nine percent of patients were intravenous drug
users and HIV infection was asyntomatic in 41% of patients. NSCLC was obse
rved in 78% of patients, SCLC in 13% and mesothelioma in 8%. Among NSCLC, a
denocarcinoma was the most frequently observed histological subtype (48%).
No differences were found as regards the stage of disease at diagnosis and
the histologic subtype in comparison with the control group. The median ove
rall survival was significantly shorter for patients with HIV infection whe
n compared to that of the control group (5 months vs. 10 months, P < 0.0001
In conclusion, the outcome of patients with SNCLC and HIV infection seems w
orse than that of the general population, suggesting a synergistic and/or a
ddictive adverse effect of HIV on the outcome of lung cancer.