The project 'Perception of Science by Catalan Society: Sociological st
udy 1995' used a questionnaire to determine: the level of interest in
science among Catalans; which channels the public uses to find out abo
ut scientific matters; attitudes towards science as an element of cult
ure; the level of scientific knowledge of the Catalan population; and
the sociological profile of the population according to its level of s
cientific culture. Compared with the results of a similar study carrie
d out in 1989, knowledge and interest in science in the Catalan popula
tion has increased, and may be connected to the increase of the portio
n of the population with secondary or university education. Although i
nterest has increased among women, those with highest levels of 'scien
tific culture' are well educated, socially active young men. Other soc
io-demographic features and patterns of media use suggest that more ef
fective diffusion of scientific information might be achieved if parti
cular types of information were aimed at specific groups through parti
cular media.