The Abbad are one of the largest tribes in Jordan with a complex struc
ture dictated by historical and cultural factors, To study the genetic
variability within the tribe, we examined four samples representing d
ifferent levels of tribal structure for the polymorphisms of five bloo
d groups, five erythrocyte enzymes, and seven serum proteins. The obta
ined allele distributions indicate a wide range of genetic variability
within the tribe, An allelic heterogeneity test revealed significant
differences between the examined samples, yet a gene diversity analysi
s revealed no significant substructuring. The observed genetic relatio
nships among the four samples appear to agree with the tribal organiza
tion. Endogamous mating within the tribe and inbreeding within the sub
units are believed to be the main factors that influenced the observed
variability. This was confirmed by the results of the R matrix analys
is, which summarized the genetic relationships in concordance with int
ertribal admixture, when affiliation and historical and maternal links
were considered. The study is also an example of gene diffusion and o
f a negative relationship between the FY A-B- phenotype and endemicity
of malaria.