A multipurpose, artificial, offshore reef has been designed for constructio
n at Mount Maunganui Beach, New Zealand. The proposed reef will form the ba
sis for research into coastal protection, amenity enhancement (particularly
surfing but also diving fishing, and beach recreation), biological respons
e, and social and economic impacts. In order to proceed with reef construct
ion a five-year resource permit is being sought from the regulatory authori
ty, and this application required an assessment of the likely environmental
impacts of the proposed reef. The studies undertaken for the assessment in
cluded the examination of physical, biological, social, and economic impact
s. A comprehensive design process was undertaken to incorporate the amenity
of surfing into a submerged reef shape. Programs to monitor physical and b
iological responses, as well as social and economic impacts, were also esta
blished. These studies support the use of multipurpose, artificial, offshor
e reefs as an environmentally friendly solution to coastal protection. The
reefs also cater to the growing demand for more coastal-amenity development