Background: Ovarian tumors of low malignant potential are proliferating int
ermediate epithelial ovarian tumors capable of metastasis. Histologically t
hey lie between adenomas and carcinomas. Despite their relatively high inci
dence optimal management is often unclear.
Methods: We reviewed 169 patients with ovarian tumors of LMP treated betwee
n 1972 and 1995.
Results: LMP is a histologic diagnosis. Some tumors of LMP show microinvasi
on. Peritoneal implants can be invasive or noninvasive and this is of progn
ostic relevance. So-called micropapillary carcinoma may be a specific subty
pe of serous varian tumors of LMP. The goal of primary treatment is to accu
rately stage the disease and remove it completely. Adjuvant treatment is ge
nerally reserved for patients considered at high risk for recurrence.
Conclusion: New genetic techniques may permit a more accurate classificatio
n of ovarian tumors of LMP and more individualized treatment.