Distributions of upper tropospheric tracer data on each of the 14 science f
lights of SONEX (SASS [Subsonics Assessment] Ozone and Nitrogen Oxides Expe
riment) provide a statistical overview of NO, NOy and fine aerosol variabil
ity during SONEX tan aircraft mission conducted in October and November 199
7). The wide range of variability of NO from all sources provides a perspec
tive on the aircraft perturbation. Background distributions of NOy are some
what elevated inside flight corridors relative to outside; fine aerosol and
NO/NOy in and out of corridors are similar. The potential vorticity of air
sampled during SONEX is low relative to the NAFC (North Atlantic Flight Co
rridor) as a whole, due either to advection of lower latitude air into the
corridor or biases in sampling to avoid the stratosphere. High NO/NOy (>0.4
) from fresh lightning acid aircraft sources was usually associated with pv
much lower than the NAFC as a whole. Air masses identified as tropospheric
by a low ozone criterion nevertheless have high pv, a marker for stratosph
eric air. Thus, stratospheric and surface sources also contribute to overal
l variability. A statistically robust assessment of the relative aircraft N
O contribution during SONEX, based on data alone, is unlikely, given the mi
xture of other NO sources within which the aircraft signal is embedded. Thi
s underscores the need for more data and modeling studies.