Prestack depth migration needs a good velocity model to produce a good imag
e; in fact, finding the velocity model is one of the goals of prestack dept
h migration. Migration velocity analysis uses information produced by the m
igration to update the current velocity model for use in the next migration
iteration. Several techniques are currently used to estimate migration vel
ocities, ranging from trial and error to automatic methods like reflection
tomography. Here, we present a method that combines aspects of some of the
more accurate methods into an interactive procedure for viewing the effects
of residual normal moveout corrections on migrated common reflection point
(CRP) gathers. The residual corrections are performed by computing travelt
imes along raypaths through both the current velocity model and the velocit
y model plus suggested model perturbations. The differences between those s
ets of traveltimes are related to differences in depth, allowing the user t
o preview the approximate effects of a velocity change on the CRP gathers w
ithout remigrating the data. As with automatic tomography, the computed dep
th differences are essentially backprojected along raypaths through the mod
el, yielding a velocity update that flattens the gathers. Unlike automatic
tomography, in which an algebraic inverse problem is solved by the computer
for all geologic layers simultaneously, our method estimates shallow veloc
ities before proceeding deeper and requires substantial user intervention,
both in flattening individual CRP gathers and in deciding the appropriatene
ss of the suggested velocity updates in individual geologic units.