Some peculiarities in the magnetic properties of ferrite small particles th
at may influence their magneto-optical performance are discussed. Particles
with the rare-earth iron garnet (RIG) structure and with the hexagonal bar
ium-ferrite structure are emphasized. The presence of a non-collinear spin
structure in the surface of a particle and its variation with the temperatu
re as well as a possible reduction in the exchange interactions in the core
of a particle in the RIG small ferrimagnetic particles provide a basis for
some of the peculiarities observed in the macroscopic magnetic properties.
There is a surface effect and possibly also a process-induced bulk effect;
as a result the Faraday relation in these particles may be reduced. A mini
mization of the process-induced magnetic properties by improving the fabric
ation process, especially for the RIG small particles, and/or the construct
ion of new media with process-insensitive materials would seem to be keys f
or the Further development of these particles as MO pigments.