Transcutaneous power-transmission coils continuously transmit electric powe
r into implanted devices, such as FES (Functional Electrical stimulation),
implanted artificial hearts and so on. For a transcutaneous power-transmiss
ion system, a transcutaneous signal-transmission coil is required to monito
r and control the implanted devises. However, in the event that transcutane
ous power-transmission coils are dislocated, power-transmission decreases.
It is therefore necessary to determine how they are dislocated for monitori
ng the state of power transmission, in this paper, we study a system to det
ermine the dislocation of coils by measuring the current value of the signa
l coil outside the body. The dislocations and the shift direction of the co
ils can be evaluated within about+/-15[mm]. We can determine each dislocati
ons of an X and Y direction independently by using a figure of # coil.