The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate experimentally that increased d
isk damping will reduce rocking motion of a rotating disk/spindle system. I
n principle, rocking motion of the spindle is always coupled with one-nodal
-diameter disk vibration modes. Therefore, increase of disk damping could r
educe spindle rocking motion. To prove the concept, damped laminated disks
were used in experiments to increase disk damping. Frequency response funct
ions of the disk/spindle system were measured from 0 to 7200 rpm for regula
r disks and damped laminated disks. Experimental results show that the damp
ed laminated disks increase the damping of the first and second pair of roc
king modes by a factor of 4 and 2, respectively. The experimental results a
gree with previous theoretical predictions qualitatively [1].