This paper describes measurement and modeling of the frequency and transien
t response of the yoke flux in plated 45/55 NiFe and amorphous CoTaZr thin
film write heads. The frequency response of the flux was determined from im
pedance measurements without any assumptions about the form of magnetic imp
edance, The transient response was calculated i.) from the frequency domain
response using a inverse Fourier transform and ii.) from the frequency and
inductance-current measurements using a non-linear eddy current model, In
all cases, the CoTaZr head showed better high-frequency and highspeed respo
nse than the 45/55 NiFe head. In addition, at higher DC bias currents (>60
mA) the CoTaZr flux frequency response shows spin dynamic damping; the NiFe
head flux response shows only eddy current damping for all measured bias c