Surface observation was carried out for diamond homoepitaxial films gr
own on (001) substrates. Nonepitaxial crystallites and growth hillocks
were observed on the films. The majority of the nonepitaxial crystall
ites were found to be {111} penetration twins, which were considered t
o originate from the twin nucleation on {111} facet on substrates or e
pitaxial films. The penetration twins in the configuration of 4-fold s
ymmetry were also observed and they are attributed to the twin nucleat
ion in etch pits on the surface. On the top of the pyramidlike growth
hillock, the twinning structure with a pair of parallel {111} twinning
planes was observed. The twinning structure is accompanied by a reent
rant corner on the surface and induced the enhancement of growth rate,
resulting in the formation of growth hillocks.