This study charted changes over time in the family functioning of a group o
f stroke rehabilitation patients and their families. Participants were 60 1
2-month stroke survivors who had undergone an inpatient rehabilitation prog
ramme, 46 spouses, and 25 other family members. Participants were assessed
at the time of admission to and discharge from rehabilitation, and 6 and 12
months after discharge. The study was undertaken in the rehabilitation uni
t at Repatriation General Hospital, in Adelaide, South Australia. Family fu
nctioning was assessed using the McMaster Family Assessment Device,and func
tional outcome was monitored with the competence scale of the Australian AD
L Index. Longitudinal change in family functioning was observed in problem
solving, family communication, role definition, behaviour control. and affe
ctive involvement. There were no significant differences between the family
functioning ratings provided by patients and their spouses. It is importan
t that consideration be given to means by which the increase in family dysf
unction following stroke can be addressed.