Consider a two-dimensional domain containing a medium with unit electrical
conductivity and one or more non-conducting objects. The problem considered
here is that of identifying shape and position of the objects on the sole
basis of measurements on the external boundary of the domain. An iterative
technique is presented in which a sequence of solutions of the direct probl
em is generated by a boundary element method on the basis of assumed positi
ons and shapes of the objects. The key new aspect of the approach is that t
he boundary of each object is represented in terms of Fourier coefficients
rather than a point-wise discretization. These Fourier coefficients generat
e the fundamental "shapes" mentioned in the title in terms of which the obj
ect shape is decomposed. The iterative procedure consists in the successive
updating of the Fourier coefficients at every step by means of the Levenbe
rg-Marquardt algorithm. It is shown that the Fourier decomposition-which, e
ssentially, amounts to a form of image compression-enables the algorithm to
image the embedded objects with unprecedented accuracy and clarity. In a s
eparate paper, the method has also been extended to three dimensions with e
qually good results, (C) 1999 Academic Press.