In Experiment 1, 16 Holstein cows were assigned to one of four diets in rep
licated 4 x 4 Latin squares with 4-wk periods to measure dietary effect on
short-term lactational performance. Additionally, 3 fistulated cows were as
signed to the same diets in a 3 x 4 Youden square design with 4-wk periods
to measure ruminal rate and extent of fiber digestion, fractional passage r
ate of fiber, ruminal pH, and concentration of volatile fatty acids. Diets
comprised 65% of brown midrib (BMR) forage sorghum, standard forage sorghum
, alfalfa or corn silages and 35% concentrate. Experiment 2 was conducted w
ith 30 Holstein cows in early lactation to evaluate the same BMR sorghum hy
brid in a 10-wk study with 35.3% standard sorghum, BMR sorghum, or corn sil
ages as dietary treatments. Milk production was significantly higher for br
own midrib than for standard sorghum in Experiment 1. Ruminal pH and acetat
e to propionate ratio did not differ among diets. The fractional passage ra
te of silage was not significantly different among the forages. In situ ext
ent of ruminal fiber digestion was significantly higher for BMR than for st
andard sorghum, but rate of fiber digestion was not different. Similarly, i
n Experiment 2, in vitro extent of fiber digestion was significantly higher
for BMR sorghum than for standard sorghum. Dry matter intake and body cond
ition score were not significantly different between cows fed BMR and stand
ard sorghum, but cows fed BMR sorghum resulted in long-term milk production
greater than cows fed standard sorghum and similar to cows fed corn silage