Genotype by environment interaction for milk yield was investigated by anal
yzing 55,162 mature equivalent, first lactation records of daughters from 1
339 Holstein sires in Mexico and 499,401 daughters from 663 Holstein sires
in the northeastern US. There were 474 US sires in common. Herd-year standa
rd deviation was used to define non-overlapping high (greater than or equal
to 1600 kg) and low (less than or equal to 1300 kg) Mexican environments a
nd a low (less than or equal to 1025 kg) US environment. Variance component
s across Mexican environments were about 40% less than those of the US envi
ronment. Genetic correlation coefficients between milk yield in various Mex
ican environments and all US environments ranged from 0.60 to 0.71 and were
different from unity (P < 0.001). Genetic correlation coefficients with lo
w environment in the US ranged between 0.69 and 0.93; the largest correlati
on was between the low US and high Mexico environments. Both reductions in
the size of genetic variance in Mexican environments relative to the US and
genetic correlation coefficients less than unity were indicative of genoty
pe by environment interaction. A significant rank change in estimated breed
ing values (EBV) of sires in Mexican environments relative to the US was an
other indicator of genotype by environment interaction. Regression coeffici
ents of EBV of a sire estimated from daughters performances in low and high
environments in Mexico were 0.46 and 0.62 against EBV of sires estimated f
rom all data in the US. Against EBV estimated from the low environment in t
he US they were 0.57 and 0.83. The US low environment was a better predicto
r of performance in Mexican environments.