Study objective-To analyse the relation between coffee consumption and muta
tions in the K-ras gene in exocrine pancreatic cancer.
Design-Case-case study. Consumption of coffee among cases with the activati
ng mutation in the K-ras gene was compared with that of cases without the m
Setting and patients-All cases of pancreatic cancer newly diagnosed at five
hospitals in Spain during three years were included in the PANKRAS II Stud
y (n=185, of whom 121 whose tissue was available for molecular analysis are
the object of the present report). Over 88% were personally interviewed in
hospital. DNA was amplified from paraffin wax embedded tissues, and mutati
ons in codon 12 of K-ras were detected by the artificial RFLP technique.
Main results-Mutations were found in tumours from 94 of 121 patients (77.7%
). Mutations were more common among regular coffee drinkers than among nonr
egular coffee drinkers (82.0% v 55.6%, p=0.018, n=107). The odds ratio adju
sted by age, sex, smoking and alcohol drinking was 5.41 (95% CI 1.64, 17.78
). The weekly intake of coffee was significantly higher among patients with
a mutated tumour (mean of 14.5 cups/week v 8.8 among patients with a wild
type tumour, p<0.05). With respect to non-regular coffee drinkers, the odds
ratio of a mutated tumour adjusted by age, sex, smoking and alcohol drinki
ng was 3.26 for drinkers of 2-7 cups/week, 5.77 for drinkers of 8-14 cups/w
eek and 9.99 for drinkers of greater than or equal to 15 cups/week (p<0.01,
test for trend).
Conclusions-Pancreatic cancer cases without activating mutations in the K-r
as gene had drank significantly less coffee than cases with a mutation, wit
h a significant dose response relation: the less they drank, the less likel
y their tumours were to harbour a mutation. In exocrine pancreatic cancer t
he K-ras gene may be activated less often among non-regular coffee drinkers
than among regular drinkers. Caffeine, other coffee compounds or other fac
tors with which coffee drinking is associated may modulate K-ras activation