Hume wrote about fundamental similarities and dissimilarities between human
and nonhuman animals. His work was centered on the cognitive and emotional
lives of animals, rather than their moral or legal standing, but his theor
ies have implications for issues of moral standing. The historical backgrou
nd of these controversies reaches to ancient philosophy and to several prom
inent figures in early modern philosophy. Hume develops several of the them
es in this literature. His underlying method is analogical argument and his
conclusions are generally favorable regarding the abilities in animals. Hu
me does not attribute a moral sense or capacity of judgment to animals, but
he does suggest that their actions exhibit moral qualities, such as other-
regarding: instincts. Hume allows in-kind differences in both demonstrative
reason and moral judgment, but in the domains of both causal reason and mo
ral agency he believes there are differences of degree rather than of kind.
Hume's most significant philosophical contribution was to move as far as a
nyone before him to a naturalistic explanation of human and nonhuman minds
that invited psychological and epistemological examination of minds by usin
g the identical methods and categories for man and beast.