To assess how well physicians recognize common symptoms in HIV patients and
identify factors associated with symptom recognition, a multicenter cross-
sectional survey was performed in a random sample of 118 hospitalized and 1
72 ambulatory HIV patients, and their attending physicians. Patients' repor
ts of 16 different symptoms were compared to physicians' reports of whether
each symptom was present and/or specific treatments prescribed. Overall, f
atigue anxiety, skin problems, fever; and weight loss were more often recog
nized fry physicians than other symptoms. Agreement between patients and ph
ysicians was poor to moderate, with Kappa statistics ranging from 0.17 (dry
mouth) to 0.58 (fever). Recognition was independently more likely for ambu
latory patients (adjusted odds ratio 1.69, P < 0.001) and for patients seen
as sicker (adjusted odds ratio 1.88 P < 0.001).
Appropriate symptom management requires improved symptom recognition. More
systematic clinical examinations, including attentive patient interview are
needed. J. Pain Symptom Manage 1999;18:263-270. (C) U.S. Cancer Pain Relie
f Committee, 1999.