Human sound localization is acute for frontal locations, but relatively poo
r in the lateral hemifields. Previous studies in man have not, however, pro
vided evidence on the tuning of the perceptual channels for auditory space
that subserve this pattern of acuity. The spatial tuning of perceptual chan
nels used in human azimuthal sound localization was determined using a betw
een-channel auditory temporal gap defection paradigm. In this paradigm, gap
thresholds are low when the markers bounding the silent period (gap) activ
ate the same perceptual channel but are elevated when the two markers activ
ate different channels. To determine the tuning of spatial channels, gap th
resholds were obtained in an anechoic room with white noise markers coming
from each combination of 12 leading marker locations and 18 trailing marker
locations throughout the full 360 degrees of azimuth in the horizontal pla
ne through the interaural axis. Gap thresholds remained low (2-4 ms) for al
l combinations of leading and trailing markers between 30 degrees and 150 d
egrees in both lateral hemifields. When the leading marker was located deep
in one hemifield, and the trailing marker was in the opposite hemifield, g
ap thresholds rose to 8-16 ms. For leading marker locations at 30 degrees f
rom the midline, gap thresholds were low for all trailing marker locations
in the ipsilateral hemifield and locations near the midline in the contrala
teral hemifield, and were elevated (6-8 ms) only near the contralateral pol
e. Finally, for leading marker locations at 0 degrees or 180 degrees, gap t
hresholds were low for any trailing location within 30 degrees of the midli
ne at the front or back, and thresholds were elevated for trailing location
s at the lateral poles. These data are accountable in terms of two broadly
tuned perceptual channels, occupying the left and right auditory hemifields
, respectively, each extending 30 degrees across the midline. These channel
s have widths and locations similar to the spatial receptive fields previou
sly described for central auditory neurons in animals. The data suggest a m
odel of spatial acuity based on the rates of activation of two spatially ov
erlapping channels, rather than the selective activation of members of a la
rge population of finely tuned channels. (C) 1999 Acoustical Society of Ame
rica. [S0001-4966(99)03210-5].