Topographic data from three different beach nourishment projects were analy
zed using empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) to determine the response o
f the fills at different time and space scales. The studied nourishments we
re undertaken at Ocean City, Md., Silver Strand, Calif., and Sylt, Germany,
encompassing different nourishment schemes, forcing conditions, and genera
l beach properties. Time series of measured beach topographies were used as
input data in the EOF analysis, which produced maps describing the dominan
t spatial patterns in the data. These patterns displayed the effect of the
fills, severe storms, and natural morphological features such as shore-atta
ched shoals and rhythmic features. The evolution in time of the eigenvector
s showed that the perturbation of the natural conditions typically caused b
y a fill disappears after about 1 year, provided that the material is avail
able for cross-shore adjustment by the normal wave climate. If the fill mat
erial is placed high up on the beach, a series of severe storms may be need
ed to adjust the topography back to its natural state.