Objective: To report outcomes of treatment for laryngeal contact granuloma.
Study Design: Prospective treatment of 21 patients with laryngeal contact
granulomas using proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) medication. Methods: Patients
were diagnosed and followed by office endoscopy and patient interview. Resu
lts: Three patients did not tolerate PPI medication and were managed by tre
atment with type 2 histamine (H-2) blockers, The lesion completely resolved
in 14 of the 18 patients maintained on PPI medication, and significantly r
egressed in the other 4, Residual granulomas were surgically excised in one
patient. Lesions resolved in two patients following injection of botulinum
toxin into one thyroarytenoid muscle. One patient had a residual lesion, b
ut symptoms were controlled by medication, and he declined treatment with b
otulinum toxin. Of the three patients treated with H-2-blocker medication,
the lesion resolved in only one. Conclusion PPI medication is effective in
the treatment of laryngeal contact granuloma, even in the absence of identi
fiable symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux.