The instability mechanism of aqueous melamine-formaldehyde (MF) resin solut
ions is elucidated. In general, the plot of the storage stability, which is
defined as the time from production of the resin till turbidity is observe
d, against the reaction rime consists of an ascending and a descending bran
ch. Investigations on fresh and aged (unstable) MF resin solutions, by vari
ous analytical techniques Like HPLC and C-13 NMR, revealed that the storage
stability is governed by a combination of three "different" physical proce
sses. In aqueous MF solutions with a relatively low degree of condensation
(at the start of the reaction) the precipitation of monomeric species contr
ols the instability mechanism. As the reaction proceeds (as the degree of c
ondensation increases) the apparent solubility of these monomers increases
and their absolute concentration decreases. As a consequence, storage stabi
lity develops. The dissolved monomeric and oligomeric species, i.e., water-
soluble MF resins, can undergo cooperative secondary intermolecular interac
tions (hydrogen bonding) as a result of which supramolecular aggregates are
formed. This process will eventually lead to the formation of a physical g
el. At still, longer reaction times the solubility of higher molecular weig
ht species decreases and, as a result, the classical process of liquid-liqu
id phase separation sets in. The proof for the existence of a gel was provi
ded by frequency-dependent rheological experiments on the unstable MF sampl
es. NMR investigation on fresh and aged MF resins indicated that the chemic
al structure does not change noticeably during storage at room temperature.
These studies indicated further that methylene bridges have a greater tend
ency towards precipitation than ether bridges.