We have measured the high field transverse magnetoresistance and magnetizat
ion on single crystalline samples of YbNi2B2C with the applied magnetic fie
ld both parallel and perpendicular to the c axis of the tetragonal crystal
structure. At high temperatures, the magnetoresistance is negative with a m
agnitude that increases as the temperature is lowered. A scaling analysis o
f the data for H perpendicular to c finds a characteristic energy that is s
imilar to 20 K at low temperatures, which is a factor of 2 larger than the
Kondo temperature determined from thermodynamic measurements, and it increa
ses linearly with the temperature. Even though the magnetoresistance for H
parallel to c is also negative, the data do not scale. At low temperatures,
the magnetoresistance is very anisotropic. In the Fermi-liquid regime belo
w similar to 1.6 K, the resistivity has a temperature-independent contribut
ion due to ligand and/or Kondo-hole disorder and a term from electron-elect
ron scattering that goes like T-2. For H perpendicular to c, the residual r
esistivity and the T-2 coefficient are field dependent. Both the high- and
low-temperature data are compared to various theoretical calculations. [S01