Victorin is a host-selective toxin produced by Cochliobolus victoriae the c
ausal agent of victoria blight of oats. Victorin-binding and biochemical an
alyses have implicated the glycine decarboxylase complex (GDC), a key compo
nent of the photorespiratory cycle, as a possible site of action of the tox
in. Plant dependence on a functional GDC is greatest under photorespiratory
conditions and photorespiratory activity is increased with increasing ligh
t and decreased with increasing concentrations of CO2. We have found that b
oth low light and increased CO2 concentrations reduce the extent of victori
n-induced symptom development in sensitive oats. These data provide physiol
ogical evidence that the GDC is a biologically significant site of action o
f victorin. (C) 1999 Academic Press.