We report on a patient with an eight-year history on maintenance hemodialys
is treatment without residual renal function in whom pregnancy was successf
ully managed through to the 29th week. During this time, under carefully mo
dified dialysis treatment the nephrologic course, as well as materno-fetal
flow relationships were unremarkable. Fetal development was appropriate for
gestational age. However, pregnancy was complicated by polyhydramnios, whi
ch necessitated i.v, tocolysis. In the 28 + 6th week of gestation, cesarean
section was performed because of an antibiotic-resistant fever of unclear
origin which ceased within two days of delivery Although the postnatal cour
se of the adequately developed baby was complicated by the respiratory mist
ress syndrome, normal development continued
We emphasize that the intensive interdisciplinary cooperation of nephrologi
sts and obstetricians is imperative for the successful management of pregna
ncy under these conditions. In these pregnancies, the main fetal problems c
onsist of premature labor because of polyhydramnios, preterm delivery, intr
auterine growth retardation and stillbirth. The mother is threatened by the
development of superimposed pre-eclampsia, left ventricular failure becaus
e of volume overload and progressive anemia, In order to maintain a well-ba
lanced homeostasis, intensification of dialysis therapy by an increase in f
requency and duration is the most important therapeutic approach. Accurate
fetal monitoring including frequent examination of the feto-maternal circul
ation by Dopplersonography as well as attentive surveillance of the mother
is required to recognize the above mentioned complications.