Jd. Jadhav et al., CROP COEFFICIENTS AND ACTUAL EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION OF GRAM (CICER-ARIETINUM) GROWN IN LYSIMETER, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 67(1), 1997, pp. 33-35
A rainfed experiment was conducted during 1988-89 to 1993-94 to study
the evapo-transpiration (ET) loss, identify the peak periods of consum
ption of water and the critical period of life-saving irrigation in gr
am or chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) grown in a lysimeter. Weekly crop-
coefficient values and evapo-transpiration. Pan evaporation (PE) ratio
s were also calculated. The mean seasonal evapo-transpiration of the c
rop was 185 mm. The BT : Eo ratio and Kc values increased with increas
e in crop growth and reached a maximum during 36-70 days of the crop g
rowth, which was the critical period for water demand that decreased a
s the crop approached maturity. The most critical period for water dem
and was flowering stage. The mean moisture-use efficiency was 3.3 kg/h
a/mm under rainfed condition.