The postjunctional potentials and chronoinotropic reactions of the heart ev
oked by activation of multimodal neurons and/or left pallial nerve were inv
estigated in three species of land pulmonates: Achatina fulica Ferrussac, H
elix lucorum L., Arianta arbustorum L. Both spikes of giant homologous neur
ons (d-VLN, d-RPLN by A.fulica, command neurons of pneumostoma LPa3, RPa3 b
y H. lucorum) and stimulation of the peripheral end of the left pallial ner
ve evoked the similar biphasic inhibitory-excitatory junction potentials in
the heart, in mantle muscles and in different parts of visceral complex. T
he positive chronoinotropic effects of this input in the hearts of whole-mo
unt preparations were modified due to interaction with well-known neural ca
rdioregulating network of the system of intestinal nerve.