Purpose: To assess circulatory properties of eyes with progressive stages o
f diabetic retinopathy,
Methods: The intraocular pressure, pulse amplitude (PA) and pulsatile ocula
r blood flow (POBF) were measured with a pneumatonometer (OBF Labs UK Ltd).
The eyes were grouped: (a) normal control, n=26, (b) diabetes with no obse
rvable diabetic retinopathy (NDR), n=18, (c) mild to moderate non-prolifera
tive diabetic retinopathy (NPDR), n=20, and (d) very severe pre-proliferati
ve and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PPDR/PDR), n=12,
Results: The PA and POBF values were lower than normal values in the earlie
st stage (NDR). The POBF increased but was still below normal levels at the
NPDR stage, and then increased to an above normal level in the PPDR/PDR st
age of diabetic retinopathy. The PA was at normal levels in these later two
Conclusion An initial decrease in pulsatile ocular blood flow is present wi
th the onset of diabetes where no diabetic retinopathy has yet occurred. Su
bsequently, the pulsatile ocular blood flow increases with the severity of
the retinopathy.