concentration of chloride (Cl-), hydroxide (OH-), sodium (Na+) and potassiu
m (K+) occuring during the flow of electric cur I ent in the pore solution
and of Cl-, Na+ and K+ in the solids of different zones in cement paste sam
ples were measured The electrochemical reaction that occurred at the electr
odes resulted in a marked increase in the OH- concentration of the pore sol
ution in the zone of the sample close to the cathode, whereas a step decrea
se was observed in the zone of the sample facing the anode. These changes h
ad different effects on the transport of chloride. In the zone towards the
cathode, the rising OH- concentration caused more and more of the total Cur
rent to be transported by: the OH- ions as the migration progressed in time
(chloride removal became much less efficient here), while in the periphera
l zone towards the anode more and more current was transported the Cl- ions
(chloride removal became more efficient here). This resulted in a change o
f chloride concentration in the pore solution and the solids, which was in
disagreement with the direction of migration of these ions. According to th
e direction of migration, the Cl- concentration should have decreased most
slowly in the peripheral zone towards the anode, because the Cl- ions leavi
ng the sample at this point can be replaced by others that half moved in fr
om the zone of the sample closer to the cathode. In the case of the alkali
ions sodium and potassium, the changes in concentration were in agreement,l
t with the direction of migration.