We report on studies of interplay between percolation and quantum localizat
ion in mixtures consisting of glass grains and RuO2 metal particles of aver
age diameters 550 and 10 nm, respectively. A weak temperature dependence of
conductivity sigma(T) = a + bT(alpha), where alpha congruent to 0.20, is f
ound in the temperature region 0.04 < T < 1 K. Similarly, an anomalously sm
all magnitude of magnetoconductivity is observed in the studied magnetic fi
eld range up to 5 T. These observations demonstrate that percolation nature
of electron transport leads to a significant modification of quantum corre
ctions to conductivity at the localization boundary. The conductivity at cr
iticality obeys a dynamic scaling equation with the conductivity exponent m
u = 1.65 as expected for one-electron Anderson localization.