Lymphocytic colitis is a clinico-pathological syndrome characterized by chr
onic diarrhea, normal endoscopy, diffuse colonic mucosal inflammatory chang
es. Collagenous colitis is defined by a thickening of the collagen plate. T
he etiology is unknown but immune disorders have been frequently associated
with it and it has been linked with the taking of certain drugs such as no
nsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs or veinotonics. We are reporting a case of
microscopic colitis associating both lymphocytic and collagenous colitis,
wich induced chronic diarrhea in a 65-year-old man, It appeared after he ha
d taken ticlopidine, Diarrhea stopped after he had discontinuated ticlopidi
ne, and recurred after he resumed taking the drug. Histological damages fro
m lymphocytic colitis improved six month after he had stopped taking ticlop
idine, Chronic diarrhea induced by ticlopidine might be caused by lymphocyt
ic colitis.