For the solitary-wave solution u(xi) = u(x - vt + xi(0)) generalized Pochha
mmer-Chree equation (PC equation)
(I) u(tt) - u(uxx) + ru(xxt) - (a(1)u + a(2)u(2) + a(3)u(3))(xx) = 0, r,a(i
) = consts(r not equal 0),
the integral(-infinity)(+infinity)[u'(xi)](2)dxi = 1/12rv(C+ - C-)(3)[3a(3)
(C+ + C-) + 2a(2)], C+/- = lim(xi-->+/-infinity) u(xi), Is established, by
which it is shown that the generalized PC equation (I) does not have bell p
rofile solitary-wave solutions but may have kink profile solitary-wave solu
tions. However a special generalized PC equation
(II) u(tt) - u(uxx) - (a(1)u + a(2)u(2) + a(3)u(xx)(3)) = 0, a(i) = consts
may have not only bell profile solitary-wave solutions, but also kink profi
le solitary-wave solutions whose asymptotic values satisfy 3a(3)(C+ + C-) 2a(2) = 0. Furthermore all expected solitary-wave solutions are given, Fin
ally same explicit hell profile solitary-wave solutions to another generali
zed PC equation
(III) u(tt) - u(uxx) - (a(1)u + a(3)u(3) + a(5)u(5))(xx) = 0, a(i =) const
are proposed.