The undulation pump total artificial heart (UPTAH) was developed by using s
mall-size continuous-flow displacement-type blood pumps (undulation pump).
To clarify and improve the problems accompanied by the implantation in the
chest, 14 animal experiments were performed on goats weighing 41.3-79.2 kg.
The UPTAH could be implanted in the chest of all goats and was driven with
a modulation pulsatile mode. The first problem was the atrial suction effe
ct. This problem could be prevented to some extent by developing the soft d
isk and by improving atrial cuffs. An automatic detection and releasing of
the atrial suction effect was also tried. The next problem was acute lung e
dema accompanied by the postural change of the animal. Development of the a
utomatic control of left atrial pressure could prevent this problem. Small
blood leakage from a pinpoint hole in the seal membrane was the next proble
m. Improvement of the manufacturing procedure of the membrane prevented thi
s. With these improvements, a 10 day survival could be obtained with this u
nique implantable total artificial heart.