The discovery of genes responsible for inherited forms of colorectal cancer
have the potential to improve cancer risk assessment and counseling. Germl
ine mutations (nonsense, frameshift) of APC are associated with familial ad
enomatous polyposis, an autosomal dominant syndrome, clinically characteriz
ed by young onset, hundreds of adenomatous polyps in the colon, and increas
ed risk for extracolonic tumors. Mutations in APC are also associated with
forms of attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis. Germline mutations in f
ive mismatch repair related genes (hMSH2, hMLH1, hMSH6, hPMS1, and hPMS2) c
ause hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer and are associated with incr
eased risk of somatic genetic alterations and high DNA microsatellite insta
bility. Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer is characterized by young
onset colorectal cancer, proximal colon location, and increased risk of ex
tracolonic cancers. A missense mutation in APC (I1307K) is associated with
some familial colorectal cancer in Ashkenazic Jews. For persons at risk for
hereditary forms of colorectal cancer, testing algorithms and gene test in
terpretations depend on identification of the pedigree germline gene mutati
on. Careful evaluation of the kindred for characteristic aggregation of tum
or types among affected individuals and the availability of affected person
s for testing are important issues in implementing genetic testing and foll
ow-up management. Case reports illustrate the importance of genetic counsel
ing as a component of cancer genetic risk assessment. The genetic counselin
g process includes exploration of patient risk perception, sources of anxie
ty related to cancer risk, patient education (specific cancer-related issue
s, prevention/intervention options), discussion of possible gene test optio
ns, test limitations, and consequences of various gene rest outcomes. (C) 1
999 American Cancer Society.