The toxicity of tributyltin chloride (TBT) involves Ca2+ overload, cytoskel
etal damage, and mitochondrial failure leading to cell death by apoptosis o
r necrosis. Here, we examined whether the intracellular ATP level modulates
the mode of cell death after exposure to TBT. When Jurkat cells were energ
ized by the mitochondrial substrate, pyruvate, low concentrations of TBT (1
-2 mu M) triggered an immediate depletion of intracellular ATP followed by
necrotic-death. When ATP levels were maintained by the addition of glucose,
the mode of cell death was typically apoptotic. Glycolytic ATP production
was required for apoptosis at two distinct steps. First, maintenance of ade
quate ATP levels accelerated the decrease of mitochondrial membrane potenti
al, and the release of the intermembrane proteins adenylate kinase and cyto
chrome c from mitochondria. A possible role of the adenine nucleotide excha
nger in this first ATP-dependent step is suggested by experiments performed
with the specific inhibitor, bongkrekic acid. This substance delayed cytoc
hrome c release in a manner similar to that-caused by ATP depletion. Second
, caspase activation following cytochrome c release was only observed in AT
P-containing cells. Bcl-2 had only a minor effect on TBT-triggered caspase
activation or cell death. We conclude that intracellular ATP concentrations
control the mode of cell death in TBT-treated Jurkat cells at both the mit
ochondrial and caspase activation levels.