The morphologic features of bone bark, a structure surrounding the distal a
nd proximal ends of long bones, were studied in the distal femur, proximal
tibia, and proximal fibula of 77 spontaneously aborted human fetuses varyin
g in gestational age from 10 to 20 weeks. Standard histologic techniques us
ed in addition to in situ immunohistochemical staining allowed the examinat
ion of the structure of the bone bark and localization of Types 1, 2, and 3
collagens at different gestational ages. The bone bark was shaped like a c
ylindrical sheath of bony lamellae of varying thickness. The epiphyseal end
of the bone bark, known as the groove of Ranvier, was covered outwardly by
a fibrous layer and inwardly by the epiphyseal cartilage and contained mes
enchymal cells, chondroblastic precursor cells, and densely packed cells di
fferentiating into osteoblasts, Neither the cell density in the groove nor
the thickness of the bone bark were identical circumferentially, indicating
an unequal growth in width. In addition, the presence of periosteal apposi
tion and endosteal resorption of the bone bark on one side and of endosteal
bone deposition accompanied by periosteal resorption of the bone bark on t
he opposite side support the concept of a spatial drift of bones. These obs
ervations furnish histologic proof that groove and bone bark, although assu
ring an equal growth in length, contribute to an unequal and eccentric grow
th in width.