Since the beginning of the 1990s. satellite altimetry has provided very pre
cise measurements of present-day variations of the global mean sea level wi
th a high spatio-temporal resolution and global coverage. Altimetry measure
ments from the Topex-Poseidon satellite have reported a mean sea level rise
of about 2 mm.yr(-1) since early 1993, which mostly results from thermal e
xpansion of the ocean waters. Topex-Poseidon has also detected an annual va
riation of the global mean sea level of about 4 mm amplitude, maximum in au
tumn, which can be explained by the combined contributions of steric effect
s and exchange of water with the atmosphere and continental water reservoir
s. ((C) 1999 Academie des sciences/Editions scientifiques et medicales Else
vier SAS.).