The posterior part of the atlas superior articular processes (foveae articu
lares superiores atlantis) or the retro-glenoid tubercles, as well as those
of the atlas inferior facet (foveae articulares inferiores atlantis) and o
f the axis superior facet (facies articularis superior axis), have permitte
d the retro-glenoid and homologous angle to be defined. These angles have a
major systematic importance in individualizing four extant primates groups
: Strepsirhini, Platyrrhini and Cercopithecoidea, non-humans Hominoidea, an
d man. This angle permits a better functional and static definition of the
superior cervical column, the head being in balanced or unbalanced unstable
position. ((C) 1999 Academie des sciences / Editions scientifiques et medi
cales Elsevier SAS.).