Background and Objectives. The term secondary leukemia is usually employed
to indicate both forms of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) evolving from previo
us myelodysplasia and forms of acute leukemia developing after exposure to
environmental or therapeutic toxins or radiation (therapy-related). Seconda
ry leukemias account for 10-30% of all AML. The majority of secondary Leuke
mias resulting from the use of cytotoxic drugs can be divided into two well
defined groups depending on whether the patient has received 1) alkylating
agents or 2) drugs binding to the enzyme DNA-topoisomerase II. Alkylating
agents related leukemias are very similar to post MDS leukemias being chara
cterized frequently by a preleukemic phase, trilineage dysplasia, frequent
cytogenetic abnormalities involving chromosomes 5 and 7 and a poor prognosi
s. Secondary leukemias related to therapy with topoisomerase II inhibitors
are not preceded by a preleukemic phase and show frequently balanced transl
ocations involving chromosome 11q23. Among therapy-related leukemias, AML i
s generally a second neoplasm, thus a predisposition to malignancy, indepen
dently from previous chemotherapy, cannot be excluded. This review article
examines the incidence of all secondary AMLs and the risk of therapy-relate
d leukemia in relation to the different primary malignancies and treatments
Information Sources. The authors have been working in this field, both expe
rimentally and at clinical level, contributing original papers for many yea
rs. In addition, the material examined in this review includes articles pub
lished in journals covered by MedLine, reviews in journals with high impact
factor and recent reports presented at the Secondary Leukemia. An Update S
ymposium held in Rome in November 1998.
State of Art and Perspectives. The incidence of secondary leukemias is incr
easing because of aging of the population (MDS is more frequent in elderly
people) and widespread and successful use of chemoradiotherapy in cancer pa
tients. In the GIMEMA archive of adult acute leukemia (2,964 AML pts from J
une 1992 to June 1996) an antecedent hematologic disorder (AHD) and/or MDS
was found in 8% of all patients (10% of 2,118 patients aged more than 45 ye
ars and in 4% of 848 patients aged less than 45). In this series of patient
s, 6% of all myeloid leukemias were therapy-related leukemia. Therapy-relat
ed leukemias are a major problem in patients treated for Hodgkin's disease,
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, myeloma, polycythemia, breast cancer, ovarian carc
inoma, or testicular carcinoma. In the GIMEMA archive more than 50% of pati
ents with secondary AML have breast cancer, NHL, or HD. Alkylating agents,
nitrosureas and procarbazine appear to have the highest leukemogenic potent
ial. Furthermore aggressive chemotherapy and radiotherapy followed or not b
y hematopoietic stem cell infusion will produce a more and more prolonged s
urvival but also a greater incidence of secondary AML. Assessment of the ri
sk of secondary leukemia should become part of any therapeutic plan for can
cer patients. Avoidance of drugs with more leukemogenic potential will prod
uce a marked reduction of secondary AML. (C)1999, Ferrata Storti Foundation