We characterized the richness of benthic cyanobacteria and diatoms in a sal
ina system using traditional and molecular biological methods. After determ
ining the different morphotypes and 16S rRNA genes present in various local
ities within this hypersaline system, an analysis of the increase of organi
smal richness as a function of numbers of samples considered was carried ou
t. We found that the spatial scales of sampling yielding significant increa
ses in cumulative richness were those at which significant variations in en
vironmental parameters (salinity, vertical microgradients) are known to exi
st, indicating that the presence of environmental gradients contributes to
increased biodiversity. Additionally, we could use this type of cumulative
analysis for the estimation, through asymptotic extrapolation, of the total
richness of oxygenic phototrophs present in the entire salina system, and
for the estimation of the average degree of dissemination of community memb
ers within the system. We found interesting differences between analyses ba
sed on morphotypes or 16S rRNA genes. The cumulative number of rRNA gene se
quences exceeded that of morphotypes by more than two-fold. This indicates
that many organisms possessing distinct 16S rRNA gene sequences could not b
e distinguished on the basis of morphology. Thus, some of the apparently wi
dely distributed morphotypes may in fact conceal several ecologically indep
endent genotypes.