Reengineering of electronic circuits has received considerable interest in
the design automation community. Reengineering is the examination and alter
nation of a system to reconstitute it in a new form, which potentially invo
lves changes at the requirements, design, and implementation level, This pa
per deals with the redesign problem in which the original implementation in
formation is either missing or incomplete. Given a target circuit with a se
t of test points and a set of missing components, a circuit is redesignable
if the transfer function of each missing component can be derived from the
partial knowledge in existing implementation, The derived transfer functio
ns are then used to construct the missing components, This paper presents a
n efficient algorithm that checks if a target circuit is redesignable, A se
t of check rules is developed from circuit topology without the need of cir
cuit simulations. Thus, the redesignability check process can be applied fo
r both linear and nonlinear circuits.