What are the consequences of suddenly legalizing fireworks sales in a large
ly rural society? Would the spectrum of ocular injuries caused by fireworks
differ from those found in the Western world? This is the first study on o
cular injuries caused by fireworks conducted in the Republic of South Afric
a. We analyzed the presenting features and prospectively followed up all pa
tients who presented to the casualties served by our ophthalmic department
over the New Year celebrations of 1996-1997, The sale of fireworks to the p
ublic had been deregulated the previous year. Ocular injuries caused by fir
eworks had not been reported before 1995, We found that ocular injuries cau
sed by fireworks occurred mainly in young male patients. The injuries were
usually unilateral and responded to treatment. This mirrors worldwide studi
es that show that it is children who are frequently harmed by fireworks inj
ury.(1-6) Two of our patients were blinded by their injuries. Our findings
echo those found in Western countries where fireworks have not been restric
ted by law. We suggest that young boys, regardless of race, nationality, li
teracy, or social circumstances, are at risk for ocular injuries caused by
fireworks. Countries planning to unban fireworks should aim their education
program at this target group.