The p53 tumor suppressor gene and the Bd-2 proto-oncogene regulate cell cyc
le progression and apoptosis. We evaluated the expression of these molecula
r markers with standard pathologic prognostic variables in patients who rec
eived multimodality therapy for resectable adenocarcinoma of the pancreas t
o study the effect of p53 and Bcl-2 on survival duration. Immunohistochemic
al staining of archival material was performed to determine levels of expre
ssion of p53 and Bcl-2 proteins in 70 patients with adenocarcinoma of pancr
eatic origin, All patients underwent a potentially curative pancreaticoduod
enectomy and standardized pathologic analysis of resected specimens. Potent
ial pathologic and molecular prognostic variables were assessed for their e
ffect on survival duration. Nuclear staining for p53 was observed in 33 (47
%) of 70 specimens. Immunostaining for Bcl-2 was observed in 23 specimens (
33%). A trend toward improved survival duration was seen in patients whose
tumors stained positive for either pi? or Bcl-2. Negative staining for both
markers predicted short survival (P = 0.01). By univariate and multi varia
te analyses, no single pathologic factor was associated with survival durat
ion. Immunohistochemical staging using both p53 and Bcl-2 significantly pre
dicted survival duration by univariate and multivariate analysis; patients
whose tumors stained positively for p53 and/or overexpressed Bcl-2 had a si
gnificantly longer survival than those whose tumors stained negative for bo
th proteins.