An isozyme survey and mating study was used to investigate the genetic basi
s of variation in polymorphic enzymes of the parasitic fly Compsilura conci
nnata (Meigen), an exotic biological control of lepidopteran pests. We inve
stigated the isozyme variation for 34 enzyme systems in three colonies of C
. concinnata, and in offspring from matings of two colonies, all reared on
larvae of Lymantria dispar L. We found 37 loci, 14% of which were polymorph
ic. To determine the enzymes' inheritance we followed the patterns of trans
mission from parents to offspring for 35 isozymes. We found monomorphic ban
ding patterns in 30 enzyme systems, the majority being single bands that mi
grated similarly in the gels. Five isozymes (-Est, Fum, Ha, Mpi, Tpi) were
polymorphic and their inheritance followed the expectations for simple Mend
elian inheritance, confirming them as candidate allozymes of C. concinnata.
Estimates or average heterozygosity for laboratory populations of this par
asitoid were hall those of other Diptera, but the estimates were higher tha
n those of a primary host, L. dispar, and of some parasitic Hymenoptera.