Peripherin is an intermediate filament protein expressed in restricted popu
lations of neurons. Our previous study of the chromatin structure of the mo
use peripherin gene in cells that do or do not express peripherin suggested
that the region located between -1,500 and +800 bp of the gene could be in
volved in its cell specificity. In the present work, we performed an in vit
ro functional analysis of the 5' flanking region of the mouse peripherin ge
ne and observed that this region up to 9 kb contained both enhancer and inh
ibiting activities; however, it was insufficient to achieve a complete exti
nction of reporter gene expression in peripherin-negative cells. Furthermor
e, analysis of the first three introns with the 5' flanking sequences of th
e gene showed that intron I greatly increased specificity of the gene expre
ssion. Intron I also conferred the same properties to thymidine kinase hete
rologous promoter. DNase I footprinting experiments performed with intron I
revealed at least two protected regions (Inl A and Inl B). Inl A encompass
es an AP-2-like binding site that interacted with both neuroblast and fibro
blast nuclear factors, as well as with the recombinant: AP-2 alpha protein.
However, gel shift experiments suggested that the interacting nuclear fact
ors are distinct from AP-2 alpha itself and probably belong to the AP-2 fam
ily. Inl B perfectly matched the consensus binding site for Sp1 and specifi
cally interacted with nuclear protein factors that showed the same binding
properties as the Sp1 family members. Fine deletion analysis of intron I in
dicated that the Inl A element alone is responsible for its enhancing prope
rties, whereas a region located between +789 and +832 gives to intron I its
silencer activity.