For three decades, hypotheses relating to the occurrence and function of cy
clic nucleotides in higher plants have been highly controversial. Although
cyclic nucleotides had been shown to have key regulatory roles in animals a
nd bacteria, investigations with higher plants in the 1970s and early 1980s
were criticized on the basis of (i) a lack of specificity of effects appar
ently elicited by cyclic nucleotides, (ii) the equivocal identification of
putative endogenous cyclic nucleotides and (iii) ambiguity in the identific
ation of enzymes connected with cyclic nucleotide. More recent evidence bas
ed on more rigorous identification procedures has demonstrated conclusively
the presence of cyclic nucleotides, nucleotidyl cyclases and cyclic nucleo
tide phosphodiesterases in higher plants, and has identified plant processe
s subject to regulation by cyclic nucleotides. Here we review the history o
f the debate, the recent evidence establishing the presence of these compou
nds and their role; future research objectives are discussed.