Synthetic cannabinoids produce behavioral analgesia and suppress pain neuro
transmission, raising the possibility that endogenous cannabinoids serve na
turally to modulate pain. Here, the development of a sensitive method for m
easuring cannabinoids by atmospheric pressure-chemical ionization mass spec
trometry permitted measurement of the release of the endogenous cannabinoid
anandamide in the periaqueductal gray (PAC) by in vivo microdialysis in th
e rat. Electrical stimulation of the dorsal and lateral PAG produced CB1 ca
nnabinoid receptor-mediated analgesia accompanied by a marked increase in t
he release of anandamide in the PAG, suggesting that endogenous anandamide
mediates the behavioral analgesia. Furthermore, pain triggered by subcutane
ous injections of the chemical irritant formalin substantially increased th
e release of anandamide in the PAC. These findings indicate that the endoge
nous cannabinoid anandamide plays an important role in a cannabinergic pain
-suppression system existing within the dorsal and lateral PAG. The existen
ce of a cannabinergic pain-modulatory system may have relevance for the tre
atment of pain, particularly in instances where opiates are ineffective.